CIS in Action

Integrated Social Studies/ Constructivism

  • Take a project from the its conception to completion, finding the resources and overcoming any difficulties along the way
  • Develop initiative and leadership
  • Work in a team
  • Learn to do things with recycled materials
  • Learn to connect concepts to values
  • Develop general knowledge around each theme
  • Raise consciousness about issues of importance
  • Learn decision making skills
  • Learn to appreciate diversity, etc.

Integrated Social Studies Constructivism


Our Spaceship Earth


Our Spaceship Earth


Thinking Green and Trees


Develop General Knowledge


Integrate Music and the Arts


Present Findings

Computer education, general knowledge, moral education, music, arts and crafts, movement, dramatics, imagination plays, SUPW and other goals are fulfilled in thematic work which involves research and its presentations. This work is undertaken in mixed age settings whereby older children learn to lead and the younger children aspire to do more and look up to the older ones.

Research a topic and learn to present findings

From Buckminster Fuller’s idea of ‘Our Spaceship Earth’ to ‘Thinking Green’, to “Light” and “Trees”, children work on themes which combine social studies with science and environment. Most importantly, the children learn to:

  • Take a project from the its conception to completion, finding the resources and overcoming any difficulties along the way
  • Develop initiative and leadership
  • Work in a team
  • Learn to do things with recycled materials
  • Learn to connect concepts to values
  • Develop general knowledge around each theme
  • Raise consciousness about issues
  • Use of multiple-intelligences

Students Develop

  • Research skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Resourcefulness
  • Connection to moral values
  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking skills